MATLAB: Associated legendre functions matlab

associated legendrelegendre

In the function legendre(1,-0.7071), the value corresponding to P11(-0.7071) is coming wrong when checked with standard solutions. Matlab is giving the solution as -0.7071. whereas, the actual solution is +0.7071. Please have a look at it. Or please suggest me how to correct it.
One can verify using online calculator in the link.

Best Answer

Hi chaitanya,
It's apples and oranges. When the domain of the argument is -1 <= x <= 1, the function is -sqrt(1-x^2). That's what Matlab is doing, and that's what it says it is doing. When the domain is opened up, 0 <= theta < 2pi with x = cos(theta), then the function can become -sin(theta). Both results are in Wikipedia.