MATLAB: Associate colormap to temperature of plot x,y data


I'm trying to find a way to map temperature (degC) to a color map, such as 'jet', so that when I plot a x,y graph, I can plot the color of that line to represent the temperature of the data
for example, my temperature range would be -50degC to +150degC.
on one figure plot, I could plot three lines of measurement data, one taken at cold (-30degC), another at room temperature (+23degC), and the last at hot (+75degC). The colors of the plot lines would be blue, green, and red.
I would use some kind of lookup to the color map, based on the known temperature of the data (data file includes temperature in the header).
this would be a 2D plot, so instead of e.g. figure;plot(x,y,'k-');hold on;plot(a,b,'r-') it would be
% lookup temperature of dataset x,y and dataset a,b tempxy = -15; tempab = +45; % find this temperature and associated a color to them colorxy = [0 0 0.789]; colorab = [0 0.456 1]; figure;plot(x,y,'color',colorxy) %etc
Can anyone please advise on the best way to do this?
Thank you.

Best Answer

this was my final solution.
colormap = jet; % or type out values of jet into colormap
x = 1:0.1:20; % dummy dataset
y = sin(x);
newrange = [1:64/100:64]'; % temperature range of -25degC to +75degC = 100 points
oldrange = [1:1:64]';
colormapinterp = interp1(oldrange,colormap,newrange); %Vq = interp1(X,V,Xq);
temprange = [-25:1:75];
temp1 = -15;
temp2 = 25;
temp3 = 65;
k1 = find(temprange==temp1); % find index of each temperature
k2 = find(temprange==temp2);
k3 = find(temprange==temp3);
color1 = colormapinterp(k1,:,:); % find color based on index value
color2 = colormapinterp(k2,:,:);
color3= colormapinterp(k3,:,:);
hold on
hold on
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