MATLAB: Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts

assignment errornon-singleton

This error appear to me when I run the script and I canĀ“t find the mistake. The right and left members from the following equation are supossed to be scalars:
Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts
Error in evol_NL (line 15)
B(j,k,l) =
'dt', 'bet' and 'lam' are scalars, 'A' and 'Lapla_nn_s' are 5x5x5 matrix, and 'x', 'y' and 'z' are vectors.
Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

At the command line, use the command
dbstop if error
and run your program. When it stops, check that all your scalars are indeed scalars.
After that, break the expression up into partial expressions, determining the size() of each portion, until you have tracked down the portion that does not have the size you expect.