MATLAB: Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts

assignmentcell arraysdimensionsmatrixnon-singletonsrhssingletonssubscripts

I've seen this error asked about a few times, but not when a individual value is being assigned to the matrix index. Since I'm not trying to assign an entire matrix to the index in "hands", what could be causing this then?
table = get(handles.deckList,'string');
hands = zeros(2,7);
%parse table cards into both hands
for i = 1:2
for j = 1:7
if i == 1 && j == 1
hands(i,j) = table{1}; %Error occurs here
hands(i,j+1) = table{2};
elseif i == 1 && j > 2
hands(i,j) = table{j+2};
elseif i == 2 && j == 1
hands(i,j) = table{3};
elseif i == 2 && j >= 2
hands(i,j) = table{j+2};
This is the code I'm working with. I've also tried storing the value from the cell array to another variable and assigning that but it throws another error about matrix dimensions which is another problem.That code is below.
card = table{1};
hands(1) = card;
card = table{2};
hands(3) = card;
card = table{5};
hands(5) = card;
card1 = table{6};
hands(7) = card;
%and so on for the rest of the matrix.

Best Answer

What is handles.deckList?
I am guessing it is some kind of list control so that its string is a cell array of strings so
is itself a string (or char array). You can't assign a string to a scalar element of a numeric array.
If these strings are all numeric then maybe you intend to use
hands(i,j) = str2double( table{1} )
but that is just a guess. It is hard to say without knowing exactly what the string is that is in handles.deckList.
This simple code produces the same error and is what I am guessing your code is doing:
>> hands = zeros(2,7);
>> hands(2,3) = 'stuff'
Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts
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