MATLAB: Assigning cell to variable only assigns first value

cell arraysfunctionMATLABoop

I have a function designed to return a string by comparing an input string against a predetermined array defining pairs of values. The problem is on the very last line which doesn't seem to like setting the final cell array of strings. grouping is a scalar string, and groupsCats and catsBehavs are both 2xN cell arrays of string pairs.
function behaviours = getBehaviours(obj, grouping)
[~, catIndices] = find(strcmp(grouping, obj.groupsCats));
catName = obj.groupsCats{2, catIndices};
[~, behaviourIndices] = find(strcmp(catName, obj.catsBehavs));
behaviourIndices = rot90(behaviourIndices); % Rotate to return correct strings in next step
behaviours = obj.catsBehavs{1, behaviourIndices};
During debugging running obj.catsBehavs{1, behaviourIndices} will return the correct list, but assigning it to a variable will only set the first value on the array. I'm pretty sure I'm missing some basic cell syntax here but I can't work it out.

Best Answer

Use parentheses instead:
behaviours = obj.catsBehavs(1, behaviourIndices);
You want to keep the cell array type so don't use { } to extract what is in it instead