MATLAB: Assigning a value to 0’s


I have a ColumnA(108×1), this column has values when B(say) is ON. But non-zeros are present for only 104rows, 4rows are still zeros(the lousy data).
What I am trying to do is replace these 0's to a large value or NaN so that it doesn't affect my code later down. However, now Column A exists for Test 1, when B is ON. Also, I get a new ColumnA for Test 2 when B is OFF, where all rows are 0.
I was thinking of doing a cursory check for 0's at the beginning 5-10 rows and create a NewColumnA if the conditioned is satisfied. But wasn't sure how to complete it.
So, something like an "iszero" function for rows 1 to 10 should do it for a NewColumnA. Would "find", to find the number of 0's, do it?

Best Answer

Since ColumnA is a column, you can do
ColumnA(ColumnA==0) = nan