MATLAB: Assign values(form of a row vector) with different sizes to a matrix(fixed size), row by row

assign valuesdifferent sizeMATLABsubscripted assignment dimension mismatch

Let's say I have initialized a matrix with size m x n.
Now with a "for" loop, I assign the values row by row to this matrix, but the size of each row is different(all <= n).
This is currently giving me "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch" error, what should I do if I want to do something like this?

Best Answer

In that case you have two options.....
1. Option 1
Go for saving the data into cell .
m = 10 ;
iwant = cell(m,1) ;
for i = 1:m
iwant{i} = rand(randperm(100,1),1) ;
2. Option 2
Append NaN/ zeroes to extra data
m = 10 ;
n = 10 ;
iwant = NaN(m,n) ;
for i = 1:m
k = randperm(8,1) ;
iwant(i,1:k) = rand(1,k) ;