MATLAB: Assign the content of a structure to another


I have two structures A and B having the same fields but not the same sizes. The size of A can be bigger or smaller than B depending on the code. A is originally defined and I want to change its content at the end of the round to use what is in B. So what I want to do is to assign the content of B to A and if there are more fields in A , remove them. If there is less add the missing ones.
I tried
[A]= B;
It does not give me any error but the result I get is not correct. Then I tried something like
but I get an error because both structures do not have the same number of elements.
I tried also
No errors but the result is not correct either. What is the right way to it? And why the first one does not work?

Best Answer

Turns out that there was a letter in capital in one of the fields which I mistakenly wrote as lower case and it was the source of all the problems. The assignment a=b is correct and was not the source of the problem. Still I am going to leave the question since it might come handy to someone else.