MATLAB: Assign dates from cell array to matrix elements

cell arraysdatevecimportdataMATLAB

I have a file I'll call testdoc.csv. It's in the format below:
site, date, time, parm1, parm2
I want to extract the date and time and put it in a six column vector. The "time" in the file is HH:MM. The procedure I have adopted is
d = importdata('testdoc.csv')
d =
data: [4x4 double]
textdata: {6x7 cell}
The textdata cell comes out like so
Columns 1 through 6
'header' [] [] [] []
'site' ' date' ' time' ' parm1' ' parm2'
'1098' '2/23/2012' '0:00' '' ''
'1098' '2/23/2012' '6:00' '' ''
'1098' '2/23/2012' '12:00' '' ''
'1098' '2/23/2012' '18:00' '' ''
I want to move the date and time to a matrix like
A = [day month year hours min sec]
so the first two rows in this case would be
2 23 2012 0 0 0
2 23 2012 6 0 0
Is there a way to re-assign the cell array to a matrix? I've tried
A = datevec([d.textdata{3:end,2} ' ' d.textdata{3:end,3}])
which works for a single element, but not for a vector of elements. I really want to avoid loops because of huge files.

Best Answer

d1 = d.textdata(3:end,2:3)
out = datevec(strcat(d1(:,1),d1(:,2)),'mm/dd/yyyyHH:MM');