MATLAB: Assign cell elements from a cell array to another cell array

cell arraysMATLAB

Hi, I have a cell array of size {1×85}. I would like to replace few elements in the first cell array by elements from another cell array. I tried something like a{1}{1:13} = b; b is a cell array of size 13*1 It is giving me '??? The right hand side of this assignment has too few values to satisfy the left hand side.' can some one please help Thanks

Best Answer

Curly brackets mean "content of" (and generate a comma-separated list when you use them with a range); they don't perform block indexing. If C is a large cell array and D a smaller one with 13 elements, you can replace the block of cells 20 to 32 in C with B as follows:
C(20:32) = D
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