MATLAB: Assertion failed: b:\matlab\​src\cgir_h​dl\target_​analysis\c​haracteriz​ationkeyge​nerator.cp​p:45:val

Embedded CoderHDL CoderMATLABmatlab codersimulinkvhdl ipcore generation

I am trying to convert a block to HDL using HDL coder with IPcore genration as an option.It throws assertion failed Chareterizationkeygenerator error. Error using hdlcoder.pirctx/doCriticalPathEstimation Assertion failed: b:\matlab\src\cgir_hdl\target_analysis\characterizationkeygenerator.cpp:45:val
Error in slhdlcoder.HDLCoder/makehdl
Error in slhdlcoder.HDLCoder/makehdlturnkey
Error in downstream.DownstreamIntegrationDriver/runIPCoreCodeGen
Error in generateIPCore
Error in Simulink.ModelAdvisor/executeCheckCallbackFct
Error in Simulink.ModelAdvisor/run
Error in Simulink.ModelAdvisor/runCheck
Error in ModelAdvisor.Node/runTaskAdvisor
This is the error list i got .I thought the error might be an issue in Model advisor being outdated and ran it task.mode. But it still throws the same error. Can anyone explain the reason why this error occcurs?
I am usinn arrow Sockit with altera Cyclone v . Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Hi Suneel, thanks for bringing up this issue to our notice. it is a bug. you can work around this problem by turning off CriticalPathEstimation feature. you can do that in many different ways. you can set this off on the model using
hdlset_param(<yourmodelname>, 'CriticalPathEstimation', 'off')
from workflow advisor, in HDL Code Generation section, uncheck "Generate high-level timing critical path report".
This change will not affect the quality of the code generated by HDL Coder; however, this will not give you an early report on estimated critical path in your design.
To understand the problem further, I need following information:
1. Model to reproduce the issue
2. Matlab version.
you can send me these details to