MATLAB: Arrayfun scalar expansion (non-uniform output)

arrayfun scalar_expansion singleton_expansion

I have a function that takes several scalar variables and outputs an array. The size of this array is always the same. I want to make a sweep of a few of the variables and store the output in a cell array.
According to documentation, arrayfun on GPUs support scalar expansion:
"A = arrayfun(FUN, B, C, …) evaluates FUN using elements of arrays B, C, … as input arguments with singleton expansion enabled. The inputs B, C, … must all have the same size or be scalar. Any scalar inputs are scalar expanded before being input to the function FUN."
But unfortunately this is not the case for MATLAB arrayfun. Is there an easy way around this?
Here is some code to illustrate what I'm trying to do:
% Declare some constants
const1 = 1;
const2 = 2;
const3 = 3;
const4 = 4;
% Declare variables to sweep
sweep1 = 0:0.001:1;
sweep2 = 0:0.01:1;
[mat1, mat2] = meshgrid(sweep1, sweep2);
% What I want to do, but can't
% output is a 2D cell array
[output] = arrayfun(@function, mat1, mat2, const1, const2, const3, const4, 'UniformOutput', false);
% What I end up having to do
expander = ones(size(mat1));
const1 = const1(expander);
const2 = const2(expander);
const3 = const3(expander);
const4 = const4(expander);
[output] = arrayfun(@function, mat1, mat2, const1, const2, const3, const4, 'UniformOutput', false);
What I have right now works, but when sweep1 and sweep2 become very large, the memory needed for manual requirement becomes impractical. Is there a way to avoid manually expanding the scalars into massive matrices?
Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

I might not fully understand your question, but why don't you do something like:
output = arrayfun( ...
@(m1,m2) myFunction(m1, m2, const1, const2, const3, const4), ...
mat1, mat2, 'UniformOutput', false ) ;