MATLAB: Array size notation

3d images4d images

I have a doubt in working with Images. An image is represented in MATLAB in the form of row multiplied with columns.
3D image has been represented as for e.g., 256 * 208 *2…
In the above example, 256 indicates rows. 208 indicates columns..
Could you tell me 2 indicates what factor exactly.
Could you explain the same concept for 4D images also.
Thanks & Regards,

Best Answer

The rows and columns are not multiplied. "256 * 208 * 2" means, that the array has the dimensions [256, 208, 2]. The trailing 2 could mean, that each pixel of a 2D plane has 2 color components, e.g. hue and saturation or red and blue. Or the first component can be the Z-value, while the second one is the grey level.
There is no standard definition for 4D images (as there is no for 3D images). It could be a movie, when the 4th component is the time and the first 3 components are RGB images.
Is it clearer now? The numbers are not factors, but the dimension of a kind of table.