MATLAB: Array of string cells and guide ‘string’

cell arrayguidelistbox

I have in a GUIDE generated GUI several places where the user can enter data. This data is validated when the person clicks on a pushb button. Part of that validation is to check if the value makes sense and if not, to output an error message to a listbox in the figure.
So what I have done is:
error_msg = {''};
and I add error messages by doing
error_msg(end+1) = {'Error: something....'};
In the end, I do:
error_msg = error_msg(2:end)';
set(handles.status_text,'String', error_msg, 'Value', length(error_msg));
I was wondering if there is a better way to do this?

Best Answer

I don't see a better way. A slightly different way is:
error_msg=[error_msg;{'Error: something....'}];
set(handles.status_text,'String', error_msg, 'Value', length(error_msg))
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