MATLAB: Array indices must be positive integers or logical values (image processing)

image processingmatrixmatrix array

x = imread('cameraman.jpg');
for i=1:M
for j=1:N
x(i,j)=xL(I)+( L(I)*lambda(i,j) );
xL is 1×256 dimension, xL is 1×256 dimension, and lambda is 256×256 dimension which is same with x that has 256×256 dimension.
I get this error:
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in edge_enhancing (line 134)
x(i,j)=xL(I)+( L(I)*lambda(i,j) );

Best Answer

I=x(i,j); % here I will be pixel value of image, it cannot be a index
x(i,j)=xL(I)+( L(I)*lambda(i,j) );
Note that in MATLAB indices should be positive integers or logicals.
A = rand(10) ;
A(1) % no error

A(10) % no error
A(5,4) % no error
A(-1) % error

A(0) % error
A(23.5) % error