MATLAB: Array indices must be positive integers or logical values


I have a problem to develop my coding. Here is my coding:
beta = bvalue * log(10);
MomentRate = (SM * 1e9)*(A*1e6)*(S/1000); MR=MomentRate;
for i = length(Mag)
N(i) = MR*(1.5-bvalue)*(1-exp(-beta*(M-Mag(i))))/(bv*Mo*exp(-beta(M-Mag(i))));
The problem is Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Let me how to solve my problem.
Thank you

Best Answer

for i = length(Mag)
doesn't make sense as this will just evaluate to a scalar. I don't see how this would be the source of your error, but it clearly isn't correct. I assume you want
for i = 1:numel(Mag)
Using numel or size with a relevant argument is generally better than using length, but the 1: part is the main change.
As to the error in question, using the debugger is the simplest way to find these.
beta( M-Mag(i) )
looks like the source of the error though. This will likely not evaluate to an integer to index into beta, though I don't know what M is.
Also, the parenthesis are un-necessary in