MATLAB: Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.

indices must be positive integers or logical values.

i am getting this error
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in tabular/dotParenReference (line 108)
b = b(rowIndices);
Error in tryout (line 12)
z1 = sum(y.resource (p:T).^2)
for the following lie of code
z1 = sum(y.resource (p:T).^2)
here i would be taking values from variable resource in table y, for which sum till end day of project(t) whose square is found.
i hope this explains the above line from code.

Best Answer

p is sometimes zero. sometimes it is one. how you are creating p is a bit silly, as there is absolutely no reason to use bin2dec, and num2str is also a bit over the top. For example, I tried it twice, and I see:
>> x1 = round(rand() );
p = bin2dec(num2str(x1))
p =
>> x1 = round(rand() );
p = bin2dec(num2str(x1))
p =
But then you have the line:
z1 = sum(y.resource (p:T).^2)
if sometimes p is zero, then you create a vector p:T. Whenever p is zero, then p:T will be a vector that STARTS at zero.
When p is zero, can you use that vector as an index into the variable y.resource?