MATLAB: Array indices must be positive integers or logical values


Hey guys,
I'm trying to complete a homeowrk problem and I keep running into the error "Array indices must be positive integers or logical values." I don't know what I am doing wrong since my professor told us how to do most of the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
x = [0.888: 0.01: 1.178]; %x values
for n = 1: 1: length(x)
%must have different vector because variable index must be an integer
f(x) = -5*x(n)^3+17*x(n)^2+8*x(n)+9; %first function
g(x) = -13*x(n)^3+16*x(n)^2+9*x(n)+18; %secon function
if f(x) == g(x)
%if the two functions outputs equal each other then they intersect
%displays the x value of the intersection
plot(x, f(x), x, g(x))
%creates a plot with two lines on the y-axis
title('WA06B by Tiffany Tabor')
xlabel('x values')
ylabel('f(x) and g(x)')

Best Answer

The following works
x = [0.888: 0.01: 1.178]; %x values
for n = 1: 1: length(x)
%must have different vector because variable index must be an integer
f(n) = -5*x(n)^3+17*x(n)^2+8*x(n)+9; %first function %%%%%%%%% f(n) not f(x)
g(n) = -13*x(n)^3+16*x(n)^2+9*x(n)+18; %secon function %%%%%%%%%%% g(n) not g(x)
if f(n) == g(n)
%if the two functions outputs equal each other then they intersect
%displays the x value of the intersection
plot(x, f, x, g) %%%%%%%%%%% Just f and g
%creates a plot with two lines on the y-axis
title('WA06B by Tiffany Tabor')
xlabel('x values')
ylabel('f(x) and g(x)')
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