MATLAB: Array from matrix equations


i have a matrix that solves 4 unknowns, instead of writing Va1 = ….(see below) four times is there a more efficient way to do this so i have a Va array.
Vo = [2 3 4 5]% Vo Vectors

Vn = X\Y; % Solves at set of 4 unknowns
Va1 = (alpha*Vn(1))+((1-alpha)*Vo(1));
Va2 = (alpha*Vn(2))+((1-alpha)*Vo(2));
Va3 = (alpha*Vn(3))+((1-alpha)*Vo(3));
Va4 = (alpha*Vn(4))+((1-alpha)*Vo(4));

Best Answer

Vo = [2 3 4 5];
Vn - X/Y;
for i = 1:4
Va(i) = (alpha * Vn(i)) + ((1-alpha) * Vo(i));