MATLAB: Array Building using Dynamic Field Reference using an Array of Strings

dynamic field referenceMATLAB

This is an example of what I am trying to do: Data.Field1=[1; 2; 3];
Data.Field2=[4; 5; 6];
Output=Data.({'Field1'; 'Field2'}) – I know this gives an error, but I want to do something similar
Answer (Desired) Output= [1 4; 2 5; 3 6]
I know I can do it using a for loop for field and build the Output. I was wondering if there is a more elegant way to it.
Many thanks in advance

Best Answer

Something along these lines?
Data.Field1=[1; 2; 3]
Data.Field2=[4; 5; 6]
C = struct2cell(Data)
Output = cat(2,C{:})