MATLAB: AR(p) parameters estimation

ar parametersEconometrics Toolbox

I have to fit the AR(p) model as:
X_t = c + sum_{i=1}^p phi_i X_{t-i} + epsilon_t
where p:order, phi:parameters to be estimated, c:constant, epsilon:white noise.
How can i estimate parameters' model?
I tried with ar function but i had only parameters phi. How can i estimate the constant term, c?
Any idea?
NB: I'm using ar function with Matlab2010

Best Answer

If you have access to the Econometric Toolbox, you can estimate the model as shown in the first example:
mdl = arima(2,0,0); % 2 the lag order
EstMdl = estimate(mdl,y); % y is your data
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