MATLAB: Arithmetic problem with for loop

for loopmatlab gui

Hi, i am new with MATLAB.
I would like to use this formula in for loop: ℓ?=taper1*ℓ?−1
There is no error message but i can't see a proper value on output. (i control my values with calculator programs) (i checked my variables. and confirmed that they are true before this loop).
And my second problem is i don't know how to add new line with every increment.
Here is my try:
l= (1:N); //creating and empty array
l(1)=((3*(10^8))/(2*f1)); //formula
for i = 2:N
l(i) = taper1 * l(i - 1);
set(handles.popupmenu3,'String',l(i) );
i tried to add new line with this but didn't work
set(handles.popupmenu3,'String',l(i) \n );

Best Answer

l = zeros(1,N); %creating and empty array
l(1) = ((3*(10^8))/(2*f1)); %formula
for i = 2:N
l(i) = taper1 * l(i - 1);
handles.popupmenu3.String{end+1} = num2str( l(i) );
updating the popup string one by one is inefficient: it would be better to do all of the calculations first and then update at the end.
Note: you could also calculate
l = ((3*(10^8))/(2*f1)) .* taper1.^(0:N-1);
with no loop required.