MATLAB: Area calculation within contour


Sirs, I have the following plot
[C,h] = contour(X,Y,Z,[s,s])
Where s is a variable that I change. This plot the image:
I am interested to calculate the area inside this contour (so I can compare different values of s)
I have attempted to use some previous solutions I have found on this site, to no joy.
I have attached data for X,Y,Z
s can take any value <Z max
kind regards. W

Best Answer

I think I have a rather clumsy numeric answer.
I count the number of entries in Z that are equal or larger than s.
Then multiply by the area of a unit "pixel" (because I know the dimensions of X,Y I know how many "pixels" are in X,Y and so the area of that pixel).
Thanks for everybody's help W