MATLAB: Are there no examples in the documentation of the PLOT function for “rfckt.cascade” objects in the RF Toolbox 2.3 (R2008a)

RF Toolbox

I would like to see examples with the documentation of the PLOT function for "rfckt" objects. Here is the link to the documentation page:

Best Answer

Examples on the PLOT function of the "rfckt.cascade" object are missing in the documentation.
Here is a basic example on how to use the plot the analysis results (S-parameters) of a tee circuit:
R1 = rfckt.seriesrlc('R',26); %Series

R2 = rfckt.shuntrlc('R',35); %Shunt
R3 = rfckt.seriesrlc('R',26); %Series
tee=rfckt.cascade; % Creating a cascade circuit
freq=[1e6,2e6]; %Assigning frequency for analysis
% To plot the s21 and s11 parameters on a Linear scale
plot(tee,'s21','s11','Magnitude (linear)')