MATLAB: Are the UNIX MAT-function libraries not in the location specified in MATLAB 7.2 (R2006a)


The External Interfaces help file specifies that,, and reside in $MATLAB/extern/lib/$ARCH for the UNIX platform. However, I can not locate them.

Best Answer

This is an error in the documentation for MATLAB 7.2 (R2006a).
The topic “Finding Associated Files” found in the “Importing and Exporting Data” chapter of the “External Interfaces” manual should read as follows.
"Shared Libraries on UNIX. The bin/$arch subdirectory, where $arch is your machine's architecture, contains the shared libraries for linking your programs. For example, on sol2, the subdirectory is bin/sol2:"
The $MATLAB/bin/ options file correctly specifies this directory. For example, to build the Fortran MAT-function example programs, copy the following files to a working directory.
Compile and execute the demos from MATLAB.
mex -f matdemo1.F
mex -f matdemo2.F