MATLAB: Are the methods of the MATLAB object exposed from the compiled .NET component with MATLAB Builder NE

buildercompileMATLAB Builder NEmcosnenetoop

I have created a simple object oriented MATLAB class and defined some properties and public methods. When I compile the class into a .NET component using MATLAB Builder NE, I cannot see any of those methods. I did not get any errors while creating the component.
The MATLAB class is as follows:
classdef TestClass
properties (SetAccess = public, GetAccess = public)
v = 0;
methods (Access = public)
function pout = GetV(TestClass)
function TestClass = SetV(TestClass,inv)
TestClass.v = inv;
function TestClass = Doit(TestClass,inv)
TestClass.v = TestClass.v + inv;

Best Answer

The ability to expose the methods of a MATLAB class is not currently available in MATLAB Builder NE.
To work around this issue, create a wrapper MATLAB function for each public method of the MATLAB class and deploy these wrapper functions.