MATLAB: Are the matrix numbers changing while converting table to matrix

matrixtable2arraytime series

I have a table named "tres_big" of size (324 x 65). It's a time series dataset. I wanted it to convert to a matrix without the "Date" column so I removed that first. But when I applied the "table2array" function, the elements of the several columns changed to 0.
% removes the "Date" column from "tres_big"
tresc_big= removevars(tres_big,{'Date'});
% convert into matrix
data_big = table2array(tresc_big);
This is the original table:
This is what happens after I convert into matrix
What can I do to fix the problem? I would like to have the original numbers as in the table. I would appreciate any help.

Best Answer

They are not changing, but you must have some large numbers in your data. When you convert the table to a matrix, it expresses all the numbers using the same format. Note the multiplier under data_big ( x). This means everything is you matrix is times 100,000. This causes your smaller values to not have anything but zeros appear in the display, though the values are still there.
You can modify the command window output display with the format function. See the format options here.