MATLAB: Are the MATLAB menus unreadable on the Linux machine


I have a black background and green foreground. This clashes with some of the colors used for "Window Decorations" such as the MATLAB menus. The MATLAB menus choose my black background and my MATLAB foreground color is also black which makes this unreadable.
The colors available in "File->Preferences->Color" do not address this problem as they only effect the color of text inside the windows.

Best Answer

There is a bug in MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1) with setting desktop colors on a Linux platform. As a workaround you can perform the following steps:
Download the attached file setmenucolors.m and place it on your MATLAB path.
1. Execute the following command:
matlab -nodesktop
2. From the MATLAB command prompt, type:
3. From the MATLAB command prompt, type:
to bring up the desktop.