MATLAB: Are the callback functions being erased when I convert an app from R2016a to R2016b in App Designer


I created an app using App Designer for MATLAB R2016a. Now, I am trying to open this app in R2016b. When I do so, all of my callback function code is erased.
Here are my reproduction steps:
1. Open App Designer in R2016b
2. Open the app (the one that I created in R2016a)
3. Click 'Ok' on the dialog that pops up (see below)
4. Save the app
5. Reopen it
6. Observe that all of the callback functions have been erased.

Best Answer

This is most likely a memory error due to the large size of your app. Increase the Java Heap Size in the MATLAB Preferences and restart MATLAB.
After restarting MATLAB, try converting your app from R2016a to R2016b again.
More detailed instructions on increasing the Java Heap Size can be found in the link below: