MATLAB: Are the block labels not scaled properly when I zoom out in the model in Simulink 7.1 (R2008a)


When I zoom out in my Simulink model, the model zooms out but the font sizes do not scale proportionally.

Best Answer

This issue is due to the use of non-scalable fonts (i.e. "Courier") in the model and can be resolved by switching to a scalable font such as "Courier New".
For example, the following commands can be used to switch the "FontName" property of objects in the model from "Courier" to "Courier New":
courierSys = find_system(gcs,'FontName','Courier'); %finds the blocks using the 'courier' font
for i=1:length(courierSys)
set_param(courierSys{i},'FontName','Courier New'); %changes the font for these blocks to 'courier new'