MATLAB: Are “PLC Code Generation” options not available in the model’s Configuration Parameters dialog

Simulink PLC Coder

When I open the Configuration Parameters dialog for my model, there is no item for "PLC Code Generation" options in the left-hand panel.

Best Answer

The "PLC Code Generation" menu will appear inside the Configuration Parameters once you do one of the following actions:
1) Use functionality from the right-click on Subsystem > PLC Coder context menu, as shown in the screenshot below. You can directly open the PLC Code Generation panel by clicking on "Options...".
2) For R2019b and later, you can also open the PLC Coder App for your model, as shown in the following screenshot:
If none of the above works, make sure that you have the toolbox Simulink PLC Coder installed and licensed for.
% the following command should return '1'
>> license('checkout','Simulink_PLC_Coder')
% check that "Simulink PLC Coder" appears in the list:
>> ver -support
If the issue persists after the above steps, as well as the licensing and installation checks, contact MathWorks Technical Support.