MATLAB: Are all grayscale images of the size 256*256. Please clarify

grayscaleimage analysisimage processingsize;

I am using a .png image for processing. I converted it to grayscale and the value shown for the image is 289×318 uint8.. When I used [r c d]= size(I), I got r= 289, c=318 and d=1. Does it mean that my image has been grayscaled or not? And what does size 256*256 mean? Does it signify the values inside the matrix?

Best Answer

The size of your image is 289 x 318, as returned by the size command. Why do you think that the size is 256*256? A grayscale image can be of any size, only some of them are of size 256 x 256. The range of values are from 0 to 255, for a uint8 type image, so each pixel can take one from 256 different values. But that's the value of a pixel and has nothing to do with the size.