MATLAB: Applying z-score before scaling to [0,1]


I'm currently using neural network for classification of a dataset. Of course before doing classification either the data points or the features should be normalized. The toolbox which I'm using for neural network requires all values to be in range [0,1].
Does it make sense to first apply z-score and then to scale to range [0,1]?
Second, should I normalize along the feature vectors or the data points (either applying z-score or to range [0,1])?

Best Answer

It is well known (e.g., see the FAQ) that the most efficient MLP nets are those which have
  • 1. Bipolar sigmoid hidden node transfer functions, e.g., TANSIG( == TANH ), NOT LOGSIG !
  • 2. Bipolar scaled input variables. For example
  • a. Normalized to [-1,1] via MAPMINMAX (MATLAB's default)
  • b. Standardized to zero-mean/unit-variance via MAPSTD or ZSCORE
  • 3. However, the initial weight assignments should assure that initial hidden node outputs are in the linear region of the sigmoid.
Before training I always use the functions MINMAX (NOT mapminmax), ZSCORE and PLOT to eliminate or modify outliers and incorrect data.
Even though I prefer standardization, I accept MATLAB's [-1,1] default, which I assume is taken into account by MATLAB's default weight initialization. (I guess I should check this ... I've been burned by other logical assumptions).
BOTTOM LINE: Always use centered inputs and tansig hidden layer functions for MLPs. [If you don't, people may point at you and laugh (:>( ].
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer
P.S. If you are going to use MATLAB's attempt at Radial Basis Function nets, you should first look up some of my RBF posts.