MATLAB: Applying changes to an image, but it’s not working, no error yet!

.dat imagebiomedical engineeringimage processing

Here's my code:
File_XX = fopen('..\Data\AA.DAT');
IMG = fread(File_XX, '*float');
IMG = reshape(IMG,256,256,50);
MX = max(max(max(IMG)));
for i = 1 : 256
for j = 1 : 256
for k = 1 : 50
if(IMG0(i,j,k) == 2)
IMG(i,j,k) = 10;
File_IMG = fopen('Out2\Masked_AA', 'w');
fwrite(File_IMG, IMG, '*float');
imshow(IMG0(:,:,iii)); title('FCM C_p Mask');
figure, imshow(IMG(:,:,iii)); title('AA Masked')
It displays the image unaltered, I don't know where's the problem

Best Answer

The whole triple for loop can be replaces by these two lines:
binaryImage = IMG0 == 2;
IMG(binaryImage) = 10;
But of course you must have defined IMG0 first. If the image is unaltered then either (1) the binary image is false everywhere meaning IMG0 never equals 2 anywhere, or (2) IMG was already 10 in the locations where IMG0 equaled 2 (actually which can't be true because you normalized IMG).
By the way, iii is never defined either. So I'm pretty sure this is not the code you ran .
I suspect the problem is that you normalized IMG0 just like you did IMG and so it will never equal 2 and so IMG will never get changed to 10.