MATLAB: Apply function to two cell arrays element-wise

cell arrayscellfunelement-wise

I have two cell arrays, xdata and CDF. I want to apply kstest element-wise to each pair of xdata and CDF cells (e.g., xdata{1} and CDF{1}, xdata{2} and CDF{2}, etc.).
Each cell of xdata is nx1 (data sample values), and each cell of CDF ix nx2 (theoretical [x,CDF] values).
I can do this with a for loop:
for i=1:length(xdata)
But I'm wondering if there's a clever way to do it more cleanly with anonymous functions and cellfun? Something along the lines of:
[h,p,ks2stat]=deal(cellfun(@(xc) kstest(xc(:,1),xc(:,2:3)),{[xdata CDF]},'Uniform',0));
Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

You're overcomplicating:
[h, p, k2stat] = cellfun(@kstest, xdata, CDF, 'UniformOutput', false);