MATLAB: Applied Digital Signal Processing

applied digital signal processingfold functionMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitepersegen functionunitstep function

Hello everyone,
I am reading a book named Applied Digital Signal Processing. Some Matlab codes have been introduced in this book as examples. Some syntaxes and functions in these examples are coming from a toolbox that I cannot find. "fold", "unitstep", "delta", and "persegen" are some functions that I got errors on Matlab when I ran them. Here are the book functions: [x,n] = delta(n1,n0,n2); % Unit impulse sequence [x,n] = unitstep(n1,n0,n2); % Unit step sequence [x,n] = unitpulse(n1,n2,n3,n4); % Unit pulse sequence x = persegen(xp,Np,Nps); % Periodic sequence
and here my code: x=[-1 0 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4]; n= -5:4; [G,f1]=fold(x,n);
Can somebody tell me what the Matlab toolbox accompany with this book is?

Best Answer

These MATLAB functions are not part of a MathWorks toolbox. I am guessing that the book probably has a CD of supporting functions, or provides info on where to find these functions online.