MATLAB: Applications where Radial Basis and Probabilistic Neural Networks are successful respectively

Deep Learning Toolboxrbf pnn

Can someone please explain the application areas of Radial Basis and Probabilistic Neural Networks? I mean How to identify where a particular network is successful? I am calculating feature vectors through different techniques. Some are giving results with RBFs while others with PNNs. I am not able to identify reasons for the same.
Thank you

Best Answer

Use RBFs. Like MLPs, under some conditions, they are universal approximators.
I consider PNNs to be a special case of an RBF.
MATLAB's version of an RBF has two nagging defaults.
1. You cannot specify a starting configuration of hidden nodes.
2. All of the hidden layer transfer function are spherical with the same specified radius.
Some generalizations that could be incorporated using the proximity to other classes
a. Different radii
b. Different coordinate aligned ellipses
Hope this helps.
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