MATLAB: Application of “csvwrite(filename,M)” with different filename


Hello to all,
There are several loop iterations in my code,the result from the first one is used as an input in the second and so on. I'd like to know how to write the results from every loop in a text-file, whose name contains the number of the loop? Also, have you got an idea how to write a command or code that use this text-file as an input for the next loop that follow!
Thank you in advance and regards!

Best Answer

See: FAQ: process a sequence of files. And if you are there already, ready the other topics also.
FilePath = tempdir;
for i = 1:10
FileName = sprintf('file%02d.dat', i);
FID = fopen(fullfile(FilePath, FileName), 'w');
if FID == -1, error('Cannot open file for writing'); end
fprintf('%g %g\n', rand(2, 2));
The reading works equivalently.
Instead of using files to carry the input data, you can use the data directly in the next iteration.