MATLAB: Application deployment R2012a vs. R2014b

64bit windowscompilerMATLABMATLAB Compilerr2012ar2014bstand-alone executable

I am attempting to update from R2012a to R2014b but have been unable to get 64bit stand-alone Windows applications to show anything other than the splashscreen for R2014b compiled code.
Here is the (simple) function
function deploytest
n = 1000;
v = zeros(1,n);
h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
for i=1:n,
v(1,i) = rand;
Compiled using "deploytool" from the MATLAB command line and then respective GUI/APP in 2012a and 2014b. Compiled on the same 64bit Windows workstation. No problems apparent in creation of executables. Transfer files by USB thumb drive as the deployed workstation is not on a network. Both MCR versions are installed on the deployed workstation. Runs just fine in 2012a.
Any ideas on what I am doing incorrectly or what I might be missing? – Andre Weinstock

Best Answer

This problem was resolved when I upgraded to R2015a (64bit and 32bit) on the compiling workstation. - Andre
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