MATLAB: Appending different size arrays each itteration in app desinger

apending araysapp designer

I have an program which gets data from an oscilloscope and finds peaks in the signal, these peaks are stored in an private property called HoogtePulsen. And in one of the callbacks i want to put these peaks in an histogram.
function TimerFcn_Callback2(app,~,~)
%TimerFcn_Callback Timer callback function which executes periodically
% When LivePlotTimer is running this function does periodic waveform live plot updates
y = app.HoogtePulsen.Value * 100;
This works fine, but i want to append the y value in an array every itteration of this callback. So i get an array of every peak found in all the measured signals of the oscilloscope. What is the easiest way to accomplish this in app desinger?

Best Answer

You could perhaps initialize a new property as an empty array and then append to this array with every iteration:
properties (Access = public)
yourArray = [];
This section of code should be somewhere in the beginning of your code, before the callbacks that handle component events.
You then append to this array in your TimerFcn_Callback2 callback:
app.yourArray(end+1,1) = y;