MATLAB: Append values from textscan into cell array literately in a loop

cell arrayMATLABtextscan

Currently I have a txt file with data as shown below:
Temperature=20 Weight=120 Speed=65
Temperature=21 Weight=121 Speed=63
Temperature=18 Weight=117 Speed=78
Temperature=16 Weight=151 Speed=42
Temperature=15 Weight=101 Speed=51
I would like to read the value into a cell array and convert it as matrix as formated below:
20 120 65
21 121 63
18 117 78
16 151 42
15 101 51
Below is my code:
% At first I read the data into a 1 column array
tline = fgetl(fid);
tlines = cell(0,1);
while ischar(tline)
tlines{end+1,1} = tline;
tline = fgetl(fid);
% Then I check the size of the cell array
CellSize = size(tlines);
DataSize = CellSize(1,1);
% At last I setup a loop and literately read and input the values
Data = cell(0,3);
for i = 1:DataSize
Data{end+1,3} = textscan(tlines{i,1},'Temperature=%f Weight=%f Speed=%f');
However, I got 10×3 empty cell array.
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
I know the problem comes from the input of textscan value into the cell array.
Can you help me fix the problem?
Also how can I toss the empty value if the data doesn't contain the specific format.

Best Answer

>> str = fileread('test.txt');
>> reshape(sscanf(str,'%*[^=]=%f'),3,[]).'
ans =
20 120 65
21 121 63
18 117 78
16 151 42
15 101 51