MATLAB: Append to an array


Hi all,
I have a function called details, where the user enters his name, and the details are stored in the array, say "name". Each time a name is entered it should get appended to the array.
At any point, the user can cancel entering the details and do other computations. Then again the user can start entering the details. In this case, it should get appended to the "name" array that is already existing.
At the beginning of the session, the array "name" should be empty.

Best Answer

A possible solution to your problem could be something like this. Set the array as empty initially(beginning of the session).
nameArray = {};
You can then append the entries in the array as follows:
nameArray = [nameArray, 'Name you want to append'];
This uses the concept of cell array. You might want to refer to the documentation on cell arrays for more information.