MATLAB: Append rows to .mat file

.mat append matfileMATLAB

How do I append row(s) of data to an existing array in a .mat file. The following works except the 2nd to last line:
tableIt = [1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9];
tableMore = [10 11 12];
filename = 'aTable.mat';
data2store = 'tableIt';
more2store = 'tableMore';
m = matfile(filename,'Writable',true);
m.tableIt(end+1,:) = more2store;

Best Answer

more2store = 'tableMore';
That is a 1 x 9 character vector.
tableIt = [1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9];
That is a 3 x 3 double.
m.tableIt(end+1,:) = more2store;
That attempts to store the 1 x 9 character vector into 3 columns of a double. That does not fit.