MATLAB: Append data at the end of cellarray

cell arraysMATLABtextscan

  1. fid = fopen('TEXTFILE.txt','r');
  2. tline = fgets(fid);
  3. while ischar(tline)
  4. words=regexp(tline,'<s>|\w*|</s>','match');
  5. * trigram=cellfun(@(x,y,z) [x ' ' y ' ' z],words(1:end-2), words(2:end-1),words(3:end),'un',0); *
  6. tline = fgets(fid);
  7. end
  8. fclose(fid);
  9. uniquetrigram = unique(trigram);
  10. counts = cellfun(@(x)sum(strcmp(x,trigram)), uniquetrigram);
  11. % Group them together
  12. trigramcount = [uniquetrigram.' num2cell(counts.')]';
QUERY: I have problem in line number "5" because every time i want to store the output at the end of "trigram" cell array but it is storing the out of last line only. Every time i want to append the output of "* cellfun(@(x,y,z) [x ' ' y ' ' z],words(1:end-2), words(2:end-1),words(3:end),'un',0); *" in to "trigram" how can i do this?

Best Answer

I have solved this in following way. This is the solution i am using.
fid = fopen('Tiny_Corpus.txt','r');
tline = fgets(fid);
while ischar(tline)
trigram1=cellfun(@(x,y,z) [x ' ' y ' ' z],words(1:end-2), words(2:end-1),words(3:end),'un',0);
trigram = [trigram trigram1];
tline = fgets(fid);
uniquetrigram = unique(trigram);
counts = cellfun(@(x)sum(strcmp(x,trigram)), uniquetrigram);
% Group them together
trigramcount = [uniquetrigram.' num2cell(counts.')]';