MATLAB: Appdesigner uicontrol position and resize

app designeruifigure

I want to know how to control on any computer the app position whatever the screen size.
When I use the guide it was easy I use the following code
scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
then I used the 'normalized' units to fix the position of each uicontrol inside the figure or any uicontrol like this:
a=uicontrol('Parent',hfig,'Units','Normalized','Position',[0.05 0.05 0.9 0.9],
How can I do such method in appdesigner with uifigure, and uicontrol to be sure that the container inside a uifigure will be resize when I changed the uifigure position

Best Answer

Hi Christophe,
If you're using App Designer app, most of the content (if not all) in the uifigure will be resized when the uifigure is resized. when the option called "AutoResizeChildren" in Position tab is enabled. It exists on components like UIFigure, Group Tab, etc.