MATLAB: App Designer “Too many outputs”

app designer

I'm trying to use a check box to either have edit field editable or noneditable. I keep getting the errors "Too many output arguments." and "Error in Phase1App/ColdWorkedHoleCheckBoxValueChanged (line 63). value = app.ColdWorkedHoleCheckBoxValueChanged.Value; "
Heres my code:
function ColdWorkedHoleCheckBoxValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.ColdWorkedHoleCheckBoxValueChanged.value;
switch value
case 0
app.DiameterofHoleEditField.Editable = 'off';
case 1
app.DiameterofHoleEditField.Editable = 'on';

Best Answer

The line of code you think is getting the value of the check box is actually calling the callback function. Try using the following code instead.
value = app.ColdWorkedHoleCheckBox.Value;