MATLAB: App Designer standalone Test app not executing


This is the error on cmd.
Error using matlabpath
Modifying the search path is not supported by MATLAB Compiler. Remove functions that modify the search path from your MATLAB code. To make files visible to your deployed application, add the parent folder to your MATLAB session.
Error in path (line 109)
Error in addpath (line 86)
Error in startup (line 2)
The test app was created after having the same error with the main application, and contains no code except a button and image controls.
MCR v97 is installed.
  • Can you tell of any solution? or question?
Test app:
Annotation (2).png

Best Answer

Found out that Matlab may have including the Startup file in the current directory that was being used for MATLAB. At first, it seemed like MATLAB message was refering to a separate startup file for the standalone app. However, when finally used MATLAB R2018b which provided more clearer error:
  • Undefined variable "at" or class "at.mep.Start.start".Error in startup (line 10)Undefined variable "at" or class "at.mep.Start.start".
This line was only in the MATLAB IDE, why should MATLAB include this startup file or rather not make it an option.
  • The solution was to simply remove the startup file.