MATLAB: App Designer – Scrollbar in “Label” feature

label;MATLABmatlab guiscrollbartext area

I am designing a GUI, in the first window, I want to write some instructions and procedures to the user; so I am using "Label" feature and I write everything in it, the problem is that the text is long; it goes outside of the window frame so when I run the GUI, not all the text appears.
Is there a way that a design a scroll bar in the "Label" area so that when the GUI runs, the user can scroll and read all the instructions?
i don't want a push button, that when pushed, the text content changes.
By the way:
I tried using the "Text Area" feature, it contains a scrollbar, however when running the GUI, the text area is editable so the user not only can read the text but overwrite it. When I changed the "Text Area" properties into non-editable, it disabled the scrollbar.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

This issue persists in MATLAB R2018b. I suggest upgrading to R2019a version, or follow the workaround provided in the link below.