MATLAB: App designer: retro compatibility 2017b vs 2015b

app designercompatibilityMATLABretro

I created an app using App Designer & MATLAB 2017b. Once packaged (.mlappinstall) it is installed on another MATLAB which is a 2015b version. When I run the app it stops at the begining of the class definition, where the fisrt property is defined.
Are the apps created and packaged under 2017b are compatible with 2015b? Or should I stick to using GUIDE?
The error is on line 5 is:
DatabaseFingerAcquisistionv10UIFigure matlab.ui.Figure
The full error message:
Error using nargout
Error: File: DatabaseFingerAcquisitionUI.mlapp Line: 5 Column: 62
Unexpected MATLAB operator.
Error in DatabaseFingerAcquisistionv01App/startApp (line 58)
if nargout(@DatabaseFingerAcquisitionUI) == 0
Error in DatabaseFingerAcquisistionv01App (line 38)
Error in appinstall.internal.runapp>execute (line 79)
out = evalin('caller', [script ';']);
Error in appinstall.internal.runapp>runapp13a (line 58)
outobj = execute(fullfile(appinstalldir, [wrapperfile 'App.m']));
Error in appinstall.internal.runapp>runcorrectversion (line 35)
appobj = runapp13a(appinstalldir);
Error in appinstall.internal.runapp (line 17)
out = runcorrectversion(appmetadata, appentrypoint, appinstalldir);

Best Answer

The AppDesigner was introduced in in R2016a. This means, that it is not compatible with 2015b.