MATLAB: App designer: randomly generated sentence GUI

app designercallbackguirandom phrase generator

Hello everyone,
I have created a random phrase generator in Matlab; it starts by choosing between two types of sentences (using randi) and then uses randi again to construct one of the two types and displays it in the command window.
I am having, however, hell of a time trying to create a GUI that displays the generated text somewhere. I added a callback to my random phrase generator function and associated it with a button and a textbox; the function runs properly when I press the button but nothing appears in the textbox.
Anyone knows?
I have been looking it up but it seems that the app designer has been changing every year.

Best Answer

If you are using app designer, to build your GUI you can do as follows.
Drag and drop a button and an "Edit Field (Text)" into your app.
If this is a blank app, the names would be Button and EditField.
Right click the button, goto callbacks and select Add ButtonPushedFcn callback.
The designer will switch to code view.
You can then simply put in your random generation code in the callback.
At the end just assign the Sentence output to the EditField as follows
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
% Your random sentence generator code here
% Sentence = ....
app.EditField.Value = Sentence;
This should update the edit field with a new sentence everytime you click the button.